
Thirteen. Food. Thanks.

It’s Friday the 13th.

I’m not superstitious at all, but I’ve heard that some people don’t book flights for this day….

Speaking of flights, this by now legendary complaint letter sent from a passenger on Virgin Airlines to Richard Branson about his on-board meal made me laugh this morning!

Thank goodness I’m not on a plane and can help myself to pancakes and latte at a whim…

Any resemblance to above shown airline food not intended ;o) they were good…really!…ever tried the maple-syrup-grated-coconut-combo? Mmmmmh!!

I got so many lovely and funny comments on my last post. Thanks you guys! You make my day! It’s so funny that we have this little ladies club here…our husbands are just jealous, right!??

As nice as it is – I really do have some sewing to get to, some corners to clean, some laundry to wash, some nappies to change, some faces to wash, and lots more stuff not getting done by me ignoring it….so back to my day-job :o)


24 Antworten

  1. Ach sooooo, ok…hab alles verstanden*lach*
    Sieht aber trotzdem lecker aussssss…

    GGGlg, Chris

    P.S. vielen Dank für dein Kommentar ;O)))))

Hi, ich bin Andrea

Ich liebe es, dein Leben schöner zu machen und dich zu inspirieren, dein bestes kreatives Leben zu leben. In meinem Blog schreibe ich über alles was ich liebe: Muster, Rezepte, Stoffe & Kreatives.


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