
Having a Baby?

Well even if you’re not, maybe you know someone who is. Maybe you or that someone would like to dress their new bub in some savvy unique European gear AND (most importantly) help other parents and children who are not as fortunate. If so then hop on over to Uschi‘s, who is hosting a chartiy auction, and send her your bid for one or both of these adorable baby lots via email (she speaks English).

There are two separate lots up for grabs (click on the images to see the whole set in detail).

One for girls

and one for boys

Both sets are chockablock full (20+ items) of absolutely gorgeous stuff handmade with lots of love by a group of crafty ladies and perfect for a newborn baby. Just imagine making all of this yourself!! It would take weeks!

Not having a baby yourself? This would make THE perfect gift for someone who is….

Bids close May 30th and all proceeds go to the children’s hospice „Königskinder“ a non-profit organisation supporting the professional care of dying children and their families. I don’t even want to start thinking about how sad that is….

Thanks for your help :o))


18 Antworten

  1. Hallo Andrea,
    das hast du einfach wunderschön geschrieben. Schade, dass wir kein Baby mehr haben, sonst würde ich grad mitbieten :-)))

    GLG Anja

  2. tja der Teufel hat uns noch einmal verschont *lach* sonst hätte ich aber sowas von Zugeschlagen..hihi…ggvlg emma

Hi, ich bin Andrea

Ich liebe es, dein Leben schöner zu machen und dich zu inspirieren, dein bestes kreatives Leben zu leben. In meinem Blog schreibe ich über alles was ich liebe: Muster, Rezepte, Stoffe & Kreatives.


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